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GTOP Rank changed at 01-08-2023 02:00:03

Site Details changed at 01-08-2023 01:00:14
Hello MapleStory community! We would like to introduce an upcoming custom v0.92 server named Astraea with 4th job KOCs, custom skills, and other regional content. We are a team of highly competent developers aiming to create a server that everyone can enjoy with a fresh new start of the pre-BB game that we have come to love. With our knowledge of the client and overall game, we are very confident we can introduce a great v0.92. We are at the early stages and have made great progress so far behind closed doors and we are hoping a closed alpha would really speed up production. Apply for Stage 1: Closed Alpha Tester Applications Astraea is looking for around 40-50 dedicated testers to help with Closed Alpha to do the following: - All PQs tested - All jobs tested (includes Adventurers, KoCs, Evan, Aran, Dual Blade) - All bosses tested - All quests tested - Cash shop tested - Legion tested - Cubing and potentials tested - Basic functionality of the game completely tested Things that alpha testers will have so far with our custom client: - Widget manager introduced, font manager and in-game client modifications (HD res) are only available at the moment - Tubi Things to look forward to: - Massive amount of QoL edits such as all classes non-mage classes with FJ and more - Custom EXP table - Custom skills for all available classes, 4th Job KoC - Custom PQs - Very strong anti-cheat - Legion levelling that will give stats - Fishing - HD Maps, customized maps and drops for balanced farming, new regional areas - Account wide buddy system - Account wide Codex and achievement system - Custom maker - Account wide Decent Skills, & more We want to thank everyone who is showing interest, and to those especially who are interested in helping us as Closed Alpha testers to start this journey. Thank you very much. We hope to connect with you soon.

GTOP Rank changed at 01-08-2023 01:00:05

Tags changed at 01-08-2023 01:00:05
Anti-Cheat, Potential Cubes, HD Widescreen Client, V92

Description changed at 01-08-2023 01:00:05
Hello MapleStory community! We would like to introduce an upcoming custom v0.92 server named Astraea with 4th job KOCs, custom skills, and other regional content. We are a team of highly competent developers aiming to create a server that everyone can enjoy with a fresh new start of the pr...

Title changed at 01-08-2023 01:00:05
Astraea Custom v92 [Closed Alpha]

GTOP URL changed at 01-08-2023 01:00:05